What we believe in
At Wiagro, we believe that we are an important part of a digital transformation process in the agricultural sector worldwide. To be able to lead this process, we must put in practice the values we live by, responsibility in particular, in the broader sense of the term –in every activity, project and interaction we have with our customers. Furthermore, we are aware of the environmental impact of the solutions proposed by Wiagro, which are a reflection of our main objective –to avoid the loss of grains due to conservation problems, in alignment with FAO’s objectives and the UN’s ODS
Clean water and sanitation: 21% of the fresh water used for food production worldwide is wasted due to losses and misuse.
Responsible consumption and production:
Grain loss due to problems in the postharvest process is part of the responsibility of efficient production.
Climate action:
8% of greenhouse gases, 21% of landfills are a consequence of global food loss and waste.
Life on land:
As a consequence of these losses, 30% of the cultivated land is also wasted.